Graphic of an anchor, representing the 'Anchor Down' in Anchor Down Ultra Marathon.


Rhode Island Silhouette

The smallest state's longest races.

HOKA logo, official sponsor of the Anchor Down Ultra Marathon.

6 hour, 12 hour & 24 hour ultramarathons


Qualifying for ANCHOR DOWN

Graphic of an anchor, representing the 'Anchor Down' in Anchor Down Ultra Marathon.



Anchor Down Ultra Marathon qualifying race emblem with anchor symbol

There are three ways for you to Qualify for Anchor Down Ultra

If you hope to compete in the Anchor Down Ultra, it is in your best interest to meet the qualifications of Preferred Entry if at all possible, as that provides your best chance of entry. It is also in your best interest to be at your computer at 7:00 PM EST sharp on January 2nd to secure your spot in that year’s ADU, (or on January 3, 7PM EST sharp for those using Standard Entry).

Details on the three methods of entry are as follows…

(1) Preferred Entry

Preferred Entry candidates get a 24-hour head-start on entry into Anchor Down, with registration opening up on January 2nd, 7:00 PM EST each year. Preferred Entry is first-come, first-serve. In other words, in the event that the full race field of 230 athletes is filled on the first-day of registration, there would be no spots offered for Method 2 (Standard Entry). Therefore, if an athlete has met the standards below, registering the moment registration opens up on January 2nd at 7:00 PM is the best chance of securing a spot at ADU. Confirmation of an athlete’s credentials to justify their qualification to Method 1 (Preferred Entry) will be collected during the electronic registration process.

Preferred Entry into ADU 6-hour

To meet the standard for Preferred Entry into the Anchor Down Ultra 6-Hour Race, an athlete must meet one of the following…


NOTES:  Any finish at the most recent year’s Anchor Down Ultra earns you Preferred Entry into the following year’s Anchor Down. A finisher’s medal must be earned to gain Preferred Entry into the following year’s ADU. 


NOTES: ADU Veteran Status is earned when an athlete has TWO official finishes at Anchor Down (any years). In other words, the athlete has earned a finisher’s medal on two separate occasions at ADU. (These ADU finishes can be 6, 12 or 24-hour finishes.)


NOTES:  A recent other ultra completion is defined as running any ultra-marathon of 31 miles or greater in the last 12 months (January 1st – December 31st in the year before the ADU in which you hope to run). Virtual races do not count. Entire race course must be covered from start to finish within the rules specified by that race’s management. Please be prepared to name this race, the date it was run and a link to the results when you register for ADU. Be aware that the distance required to qualify for ADU Preferred Entry is much shorter using (d), an *Express Qualification Event, below.


Previous qualifying performance at an Express Qualification Event in the last 12 months (January 1st – December 31st in the year before the ADU in which you hope to run.) 

NOTES: Please be prepared to name this race, the laps and distance you ran when registering for the ADU. Currently, the Express Qualification Events are the Hamsterwheel Endurance Races (NH), the Spring Fling 600 (CT) and the TARC Fall Classic (MA). Details on what is required to use this for Preferred Entry into ADU can be found HERE.

Preferred Entry into ADU 12-hour

To meet the standard for Preferred Entry into the Anchor Down Ultra 12-Hour Race, an athlete must meet one of the following…


NOTES:  Any finish at the most recent year’s Anchor Down Ultra earns you Preferred Entry into the following year’s Anchor Down. A finisher’s medal must be earned to gain Preferred Entry into the following year’s ADU. 


NOTES: ADU Veteran Status is earned when an athlete has TWO official finishes at Anchor Down (any years). In other words, the athlete has earned a finisher’s medal on two separate occasions at ADU. (These ADU finishes can be 6, 12 or 24-hour finishes.)


NOTES:  A recent other ultra completion is defined as running any ultra-marathon of 50 miles or greater in the last 12 months (January 1st – December 31st in the year before the ADU in which you hope to run). Virtual races do not count. Entire race course must be covered from start to finish within the rules specified by that race’s management. Please be prepared to name this race, the date it was run and a link to the results when you register for ADU. Be aware that the distance required to qualify for ADU Preferred Entry is much shorter using (d), an *Express Qualification Event, below.


Previous qualifying performance at an Express Qualification Event in the last 12 months (January 1st – December 31st in the year before the ADU in which you hope to run.)

NOTES: Please be prepared to name this race, the laps and distance you ran when registering for the ADU. Currently, the Express Qualification Events are the Hamsterwheel Endurance Races (NH), the Spring Fling 600 (CT) and the TARC Fall Classic (MA). Details on what is required to use this for Preferred Entry into ADU can be found HERE.

Preferred Entry into ADU 24-hour

To meet the standard for Preferred Entry into the Anchor Down Ultra 24-Hour Race, an athlete must meet one of the following…


NOTES:  A 12-hour or 24-hour finish at the most recent year’s Anchor Down Ultra earns you Preferred Entry into the following year’s Anchor Down. A finisher’s medal must be earned to gain Preferred Entry into the following year’s ADU. Note that a 6-hour finish does not get you Preferred Entry into the following year’s 24-hour race.


NOTES: ADU Veteran Status is earned when an athlete has TWO official finishes at Anchor Down (any years). In other words, the athlete has earned a finisher’s medal on two separate occasions at ADU. (These ADU finishes can be 6, 12 or 24-hour finishes.)


NOTES:  A recent other ultra completion is defined as running any ultra-marathon of 50 miles or greater in the last 12 months (January 1st – December 31st in the year before the ADU in which you hope to run). Virtual races do not count. Entire race course must be covered from start to finish within the rules specified by that race’s management. Please be prepared to name this race, the date it was run and a link to the results when you register for ADU. Be aware that the distance required to qualify for ADU Preferred Entry is much shorter using (d), an *Express Qualification Event, below.


Previous qualifying performance at an Express Qualification Event in the last 12 months (January 1st – December 31st in the year before the ADU in which you hope to run.) 

NOTES: Please be prepared to name this race, the laps and distance you ran when registering for the ADU. Currently, the Express Qualification Events are the Hamsterwheel Endurance Races (NH), the Spring Fling 600 (CT) and the TARC Fall Classic (MA). Details on what is required to use this for Preferred Entry into ADU can be found HERE.

(2) Standard Entry

If the entry field of 230 athletes has not been filled with Preferred Entry applications on January 2nd, then Standard Entry opens on January 3rd at 7:00 PM EST. Entry remains open until field limit is reached, and then the waitlist is activated. Standard entry is first-come, first-serve.

6-Hour Race: To qualify for Standard Entry in the 6-hour race, athlete must have a previous completion of a 13.1 mile race or longer within the *last 24 months OR a 26.2 mile race or longer within the *last 36 months.

(Please be prepared to name this race, the date and a link to the results when you register for ADU.)


12-Hour Race: To qualify for Standard Entry in the 12-hour race, athlete must have a previous completion of a 26.2 mile race or longer within the *last 24 months OR a 31 mile race or longer within the *last 36 months.

(Please be prepared to name this race, the date and a link to the results when you register for ADU.) 


24-Hour Race: To qualify for Standard Entry in the 24-hour race, athlete must have a previous completion of a 31 mile race or longer within the *last 24 months OR a 50 mile race or longer within the *last 36 months.

(Please be prepared to name this race, the date and a link to the results when you register for ADU.) 

(3) Application to Race Management

The third method of entry is an application to race management, exclusively for athletes that do no think they can meet the qualification standards detailed above. We realize that due to various circumstances athletes may feel prepared to take on the ADU, despite not fitting within the structure of the qualification systems. (e.g., an athlete returning from an injury/illness, etc.) You may fill out THIS APPLICATION. Up to 10 entries are reserved for Method 3 (Application to Race Management) entry each year, at the discretion of race management.

Please understand there is NO PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT of elite runners or sponsored athletes. This “application” method of entry is strictly for people who cannot qualify for Preferred Entry or Standard Entry of ADU Qualification but still wish to enter the coming year’s event. If you qualify, Preferred Entry is your best chance of getting into the ADU. 


Directions for Application to Race Management: Please email a scanned , complete version of your application to no later than January 10th in the year of the ADU you wish to compete in. You will be notified via email if your application has been accepted or rejected for that year’s ADU. If your application has been accepted, you will be contacted by the Race Director with next-steps on entry.

Good luck. Anchor Down. Run Long.